Erlang endorses the “Let it fail” (or “Fail Fast”) philosophy. The quick explanation would be that there is no need to write your programs in a defensive way. The idea is also that if your program expects particular crash to happen, then maybe it is not a crash.

Here I would also like to quote Joe Armstrong, who is the main inventor of Erlang language. I’ve found this quote on the Fail Fast page:

The FailFast philosophy is central to the ErlangLanguage - the Erlang motto is “just fail” and “let some other process do the error recovery” - this has been used in very reliable production systems with millions of lines of code – JoeArmstrong

Elixir also shares a philosophy that errors ought to be fatal and exceptions are intended for things that normally should never happen. Usually, in Elixir applications, exceptions are thrown but rarely caught.

That does not mean, that you should ignore them completely. As soon as Elixir application usually consists of multiple processes, you may let them (processes) crash. Also, you should design your application in the way, that even if a process fails you application still keeps running. Of course crashed processes can have unfinished work, but you can design your application in a way to minimize these cases.

Now, after a short introduction, let’s take a look what do we have here.


At first, we can raise an exception using raise/1 function:

iex> raise "Something went wrong"
** (RuntimeError) Something went wrong

or, if we want to provide the type of exceptions we can do it using raise/2 function:

iex> raise RuntimeError, message: "Something went wrong"
** (RuntimeError) Something went wrong

Once an error has been raised and you want to handle it, then you can use try/rescue construct. In the rescue block you can either use the error itself or just expose it as you want.

iex> try do
...>   raise "Something went wrong"
...> rescue
...>   e in RuntimeError -> e
...> end
%RuntimeError{message: "Something went wrong"}

iex> try do
...>   raise "Something went wrong"
...> rescue
...>   RuntimeError -> "Error!!!"
...> end


There is also after block available for us. It will be executed as a final step regardless of raised exception or not.

iex> try do
...>   raise "Something went wrong"
...> rescue
...>   e in RuntimeError -> e
...> after
...>   IO.puts("Cleaning up...")
...> end
Cleaning up...
%RuntimeError{message: "Something went wrong"}

You can use after for clean up operations, closing open files or any other termination tasks.


In Elixir there is a way to throw a value and then catch it later. Unlike raise you cannot rescue a value thrown earlier. So it has to be catch.

iex> try do
...>   throw {:some, :value}
...> catch
...>   :throw, value -> "Here is your value: #{inspect value}"
...> end
"Here is your value: {:some, :value}"

Similar to rescue it is possible to use after block here.

iex> try do
...>   throw {:some, :value}
...> catch
...>   :throw, value -> "Here is your value: #{inspect value}"
...> after
...>   IO.puts("Cleaning up...")
...> end
Cleaning up...
"Here is your value: {:some, :value}"

Similar to throw some processes can exit/1 or have an :erlang.error/1. They both can be caught similar to throw.

Defining custom exceptions

The same way as we define Structs we can define our own exceptions by using defmodule + defexception. It is also possible to define custom functions as we did with Structures.

iex> defmodule MySpecialError do
...>   defexception message: "Something special went wrong"
...>   def full_message(error) do
...>     "General failure: #{error.message}"
...>   end
...> end
{:module, MySpecialError,
 <<70, 79, 82, 49, 0, 0, 15, 180, 66, 69, 65, 77, 65, 116, 85, 56, 0, 0, 1, 130,
   0, 0, 0, 35, 21, 69, 108, 105, 120, 105, 114, 46, 77, 121, 83, 112, 101, 99,
   105, 97, 108, 69, 114, 114, 111, 114, 8, ...>>, {:full_message, 1}}

And then use it to raise from some place

iex> try do
...>   raise MySpecialError
...> rescue
...>   e in MySpecialError -> IO.puts(MySpecialError.full_message(e))
...> end
General failure: Something special went wrong


That finishes the introduction to Exceptions in Elixir. Now we know how to raise and handle several types of exceptions and how to define our own.

UPD: There is a very nice discussion on Hacker News about “Fail Fast” in Erlang/Elixir.