When you are developer and work on different projects, sooner or later you would face a need to extract some part of functionality into separate libraries to reuse it.
Different languages and frameworks provide their own functionality to distribute libraries among other developers or within a single company.
You probably already know some of them. “npm” is a package manager for JavaScript. For Ruby, it would be “Ruby Gems”. Elixir is not an exception here. For Elixir and Erlang, we have “Hex” as a package manager.
So, let’s see how we can publish our own Elixir package.
To publish a package we need to have one. In my example, I would use a package called “Stash Exchange” which I’ve just created.
It has a single function exchange/1
. You pass a value into that function to store it.
The function returns the previously stored value and updates the storage with the new value.
Here you can see an implementation of that function:
@initial_state 1
@stash_name __MODULE__
def exchange(value) do
if is_nil(Process.whereis(@stash_name)) do
Agent.start(fn -> @initial_state end, name: @stash_name)
Agent.get_and_update(@stash_name, fn state -> {state, value} end)
Now let’s try to publish that package.
Register a new Hex user
In order to publish packages to Hex, we need to have an account there.
If you already have one, then you can run mix hex.user auth
from your terminal window to authenticate.
If you are new to Hex then you can register either by using web form (https://hex.pm/signup) or using the command
line by calling mix hex.user register
and follow the instructions.
Configure the project metadata
Before we publish a package to Hex we need to provide some required attributes such as name, description, list of licenses etc.
Before you pick the name for your package, make sure the name is available. You can either review list of packages or search by the name you have already in mind.
There are some attributes I’ve added for Stash Exchange package.
First, in the project
attributes we need to have a description and optional source code URL.
We also need to describe package
attribute with extended information. In my case, that’s name
, licenses
, maintainers
and links
def project do
# ...
description: "The single value storage",
source_url: github_link(),
package: package()
defp package() do
name: "stash_exchange", # Optional if we want to keep OTP app name
maintainers: ["Vitali Tatarintev"],
licenses: ["MIT"],
links: %{"GitHub" => github_link()}
defp github_link() do
You can always refer to mix help hex.publish
to get the list of available attributes.
Publishing and documentation
Once our metadata is ready we are ready to publish the package.
Packages are being published by using mix hex.publish
The Hex tool will also generate documentation for the package by calling mix docs
ExDoc package provides that command, so it would be nice to have it as a dependency for the publishable package.
You are free to use any other library to generate docs. The documentation will be published on hexdocs.
Check out Writing documentation in Elixir to learn more about writing and generating docs.
You can also publish or update the package without documentation or even update only documentation by calling
mix hex.publish package
or mix hex.publish docs
The mix help hex.publish
command helps to remember those options as well as others.
Now, after we have cleared up the things around documentation we are ready to publish the package.
→ mix hex.publish
Publishing stash_exchange 0.1.0
App: stash_exchange
Name: stash_exchange
Description: The single value storage
Version: 0.1.0
Build tools: mix
Licenses: MIT
Maintainers: Vitali Tatarintev
GitHub: https://github.com/ck3g/stash_exchange
Elixir: ~> 1.6
Before publishing, please read the Code of Conduct: https://hex.pm/policies/codeofconduct
Proceed? [Yn] Y
Building docs...
Docs successfully generated.
View them at "doc/index.html".
Publishing package...
[#########################] 100%
Package published to https://hex.pm/packages/stash_exchange/0.1.0 (2472ac58ec48ce1a8d720a508a9d4d14c9a6a46e22988c5b92437dcae4d0b63b)
Publishing docs...
[#########################] 100%
Docs published to https://hexdocs.pm/stash_exchange/0.1.0
The passphrase is actually your password. It was not obvious for me for the first time.
Also, the publish command didn’t work for me in a separate terminal window.
You might need to run mix hex.user auth
to re-authenticate yourself.
That is it. The package has been published and we can navigate to the package page to check it out. In my case, that’s a https://hex.pm/packages/stash_exchange/0.1.0 page.
Use the package as a dependency
The package was published and we can start using it.
Let’s create a simple Elixir app, install that package as a dependency and try it out.
→ mix new stash_exchange_proxy
First, we need to add it as a dependency in the mix.ex
defp deps do
[{:stash_exchange, "~> 0.1.0"}]
Then we define a simple proxy function to call the StashExchange.exchange/1
defmodule StashExchangeProxy do
def exchange(value) do
Now we need to install dependencies
→ mix deps.get
That is it. We are ready to play with that function in the Interactive Elixir session.
iex> StashExchangeProxy.exchange("Elixir")
iex> StashExchangeProxy.exchange(%{awesome: true})
iex> StashExchangeProxy.exchange("?")
%{awesome: true}
It seems to be working.
Wrapping up
We’ve just published our first Elixir package. As we can see that is extremely easy to do. Elixir and Hex provide us with all required tools to do that.
Now it is your turn. Do you have the functionality you would like to share between your projects? You can extract it and publish as a separate package.
Even if you don’t want to make your packages public. Hex allows publishing private packages as well. Check out “Private packages” page to learn more.