I wanted to start a technical blog a long time ago and I was even starting to do that.
But as most of the people, I didn’t have a schedule of publications and of course that ended up by posting extremely rarely.
I have always told myself: “I will continue… some day…”, but that day was always postponed.
You have decided to write a mobile chat app and use Ruby on Rails with ActionCable as a backend. You have followed ActionCable tutorials and succeeded to build a web-based prototype for that. But your mobile applications cannot connect to the existing channels. Sounds familiar? I had exactly the same issue.
Last month I’ve took part in the RubyRampage hackaton. Our team consisted of 3 members: me (as a back-end developer), a front-end developer and a Project Manager.
As a software developer I have several pet projects.
For every single project my mind constantly generates new ideas. And I’m trying to write those ideas down as notes or as TODO list items.
Just as you can use pp
method to “pretty print” passed object. You can use jj
to pretty print passed objects as a JSON.